About Me and this Blog
I used to hate people. Not just in the “hell is other people” sense that many do, I mean I had deep-rooted contempt for Humanity, including the Humanity in myself. I was obsessed with escaping it; being more than Human. This theory began a process that changed everything for me. Learning that there was something, anything, that explained exactly why I felt like an alien in this world was a great comfort, but it was only the beginning.
In the 4 years I’ve spent studying this, I have encountered revelation after revelation, both personal and general. It has brutally humbled me - I now know that I am but 1/16 of a beautiful, intricate, perfectly balanced system. Despite being one of the smallest pieces, the rarest types, everything I believed made me special or unusual is still quantifiable and shared by millions of others; merely another pattern of traits. It allowed me to become truly exceptional through unparalleled understanding of myself, my strengths, my shortcomings, my biases, my shadow… All laid out in this ‘blueprint of Humanity’. Even my desire to be more than Human I discovered was a common theme among others who share my cognitive makeup.
Now I view the world not only through my own eyes, but the eyes of 16 other perspectives, all essential to the bigger picture of the Human story. Take any one ‘type’ away and the ecosystem would collapse, quicker than you could possibly imagine. This is far more than a theory of personality, it’s a succinct distillation of the aspects which make us. It highlights our similarities at the deepest level while casting into stark reality how small the margin of individuality is, backed by a critical mass of evidence once you know where to look, because once you understand this theory, you see it everywhere and in everything, not because you’re trying to, but because it’s unavoidably obvious. Jung didn’t just categorise us, he defined how we interact with ourselves, each other and the world, in the simplest way possible. He didn’t create a theory and mould it to people, he studied the world and the people in it and theorised around them. The things he observed and systematised are hard-baked into reality. Now I love Humanity, because I can understand and appreciate the gestalt of us in the context of these ideas.
Thank you, Mr. Jung, your genius can never be replicated, but it will be my honour and privilege to finish what you began.
I have just one more message of importance to include here: we can not only apply the ideas of these balancing forces to the individual, but to the larger society, to the world. Just look at the current war ongoing between the feeling functions and the thinking ones, the identity politics and the ‘facts don’t care about your feelings’ rhetoric. I can see exactly where they are out of balance and how it can feasibly, realistically be reconciled. Both sides just need a good hard kick in the ego, and what better method than proving beyond reasonable doubt that their individual view of the world is only 1/16 of it?
From this model, we can assess the problems, then point out the evidence, validate the emotions, spread new and more balanced values into societal awareness and cultivate individual critical thought without any of those things being at odds with one another. We can recognise the cognitive biases and preferences we all have, and use this to fight discrimination of all forms. A person could be white, black, hispanic, asian, male, female, trans, straight, gay, bi, or anything else and it doesn't even remotely matter compared to the aspects in this theory. Regardless of any combination of surface-level traits, a person with strong Ni bias is going to operate completely differently from a person with high Se bias at the most fundamental level of motivation. A level that cannot be argued with, or weaponised. You wanna stereotype and discriminate against a certain type because of their weaknesses? Well, they can turn around and do exactly the same, and you would both be completely correct, with evidence inherent in the very nature of opposition.
It’s like our muscles, when one set is out of balance, those that counteract them are also out of balance in the opposite way, leading to dysfunction. When the scales are out of balance, one side is necessarily heavier. It is inarguable. Applying this idea to people as this theory does, levels the playing field.
This changes the game. Forever. And nobody likes a bad sportsman…